- EmptyEpsilon - Spaceship bridge simulator game
- Frodo - Commodore 64 emulator
- discord - All-in-one voice and text chat
- fdkaac - Command line frontend for libfdk-aac encoder
- gstreamer1-plugins-icamerasrc - GStreamer 1.0 Intel IPU6 camera plug-in
- intel-ipu6-kmod - Kernel module (kmod) for intel-ipu6
- intel-media-driver - The Intel Media Driver for VAAPI
- ipu6-camera-bins - Binary library for Intel IPU6
- ipu6-camera-hal - Hardware abstraction layer for Intel IPU6
- lpf-spotify-client - Spotify music player native client package bootstrap
- megasync - Easy automated syncing between your computers and your MEGA cloud drive
- mock-rpmfusion-nonfree - Mock config files for the RPM Fusion NonFree Repository
- nemo-dropbox - Dropbox extension for nemo
- nrdp - Nagios Remote Data Processor
- nvidia-470xx-kmod - NVIDIA 470xx display driver kernel module
- nvidia-kmod - NVIDIA display driver kernel module
- nvidia-modprobe - Load the NVIDIA kernel module and create NVIDIA character device files
- nvidia-persistenced - Daemon for maintaining persistent driver state
- nvidia-settings - Configure the NVIDIA graphics driver
- nvidia-settings-390xx - Configure the NVIDIA 390xx series graphics driver
- nvidia-settings-470xx - Configure the NVIDIA 470xx series graphics driver
- nvidia-xconfig - NVIDIA X configuration file editor
- perl-PGPLOT - Perl extension for using the pgplot library
- rpmfusion-nonfree-appstream-data - Appstream metadata for the RPM Fusion nonfree repository
- snes9x - Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
- steam - Installer for the Steam software distribution service
- unifi - UniFi Network Controller
- xcpc - A portable Amstrad CPC 464/664/6128 emulator written in C
- xorg-x11-drv-nvidia - NVIDIA's proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
- xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-390xx - NVIDIA's 390xx series proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
- xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-470xx - NVIDIA's 470xx series proprietary display driver for NVIDIA graphic cards
- yapeSDL - A Commodore 264 family (C16, plus/4 etc.) emulator
- zerotier-one - Smart Ethernet Switch for Earth